Monday 26 October 2015

Using Interests to give more personality - Mary Sue Pleasant as Test Case.

So I have this theory (for I love maths and science - I am a nerd), that for any interest the scores can give more meaning than just a number. Interests in SimPE are a number between 0 and 1000. Ahem, so this is my theory:

Interest = 0 is Hates the interest with passion.
0> Interest <500 - Not interested,
Interest = 500  is neither here not there, 
500> Interest <1000 Interested
Interest = 1000 - is passionate about that interest.

So what does this mean for a sim? Well I want to use it to help shape their world views, and use it as another part to round out their interactions and personalities. So lets take Mary-Sue Pleasant as an example:

 Here are her interests.
Animals 300 -- Not interested in Animal issues
Crime 0 -- Hates Crime
Culture 800 -- Very Interested in Culture
Entertainment 400 -- Uninterested in Entertainment
Environment 500 -- Doesn't Care about the environment either way
Fashion 200 -- Very Uninterested in Fashion
Food 800 -- Very Interested in Food
Health 500 - Doesn't care either way about Health
Money 800 -- Very Interested in Money
Politics 1000 -- Passionate about Politics
School 400 -- Uninterested in Education
Scifi 100 -- Doesn't like Speculative Fiction
Sports 200 -- Doesn't like Sports
Toys 400 -- Doesn't like Technology
Travel 700 -- likes to Travel
Weather 500 -- Doesn't care about Weather/Climate
Work 600 -- Interested in Work
Paranormal 800 -- Very Interested in the Paranormal (a believer)

What sort of Politician would she be?
So the type of Politician that she would be -
1. Not interested in Social Welfare because of low schools, low animal, low environment, med Weather, low sports.
2. Interested in increasing Business opportunities because hi money, hi work
3. Tough on Crime stance - because 0 Crime.
4. Likelihood of investment - Restaurants (hi food), Tourism (hi Travel), Museums/Libraries/Art Galleries (hi Culture)
5. Tolerance of Supernatural beings (hi Paranormal)

Changing her turn-ons and turn-offs to something more appropriate than random...

Turn-offs she could have unemployed, athletic, mechanical
Turn-ons - any of the supernaturals, hard worker, Great cook.

How would it affect the relationships around her?

Her Relationship with Daniel

Daniel's Interests
Animals    300
Crime    600
Culture    200
Entertainment    700
Environment    500
Fashion    200
Food    400
Health    800
Money    1000
Politics  -- 700
School    300
Scifi    200
Sports    1000
Toys    200
Travel    1000
Weather    300
Work    500
Paranormal    100

1. that she has no respect for Daniel's choice of career  (lo sport)

2. On the other hand, she and Daniel bonded over their love of money (hi money/hi money),  their love of politics (hi politics/hi politics) and their love of travel (hi travel, hi travel). So expensive holidays would be one way of bonding.

3. Arguments in their house would consist of  arguing over Supernatural beings (hi/lo paranormal), sport, health, culture and food. So on their expensive holiday - Mary-Sue would be all for trying new exotic food. Daniel would prefer salads, and healthy familiar meals (lo food, hi health).

4. If she caught Daniel philandering - because of her hi Politics, hi Culture, hi money - there's a good chance that she would try to keep it out of the public eye so it wouldn't affect her political reputation, and she would not be happy with a divorce if it cost her too much money, although she would be going for as much as she could get out of him, and he would be going for as much as he could get out of her. i.e. I can see her going for a marriage of convenience, where he's out of her bed, but still living in the house to show up the proprieties for the sake of her political career. Especially if there's cash in it for him.

5. Because of her low opinion of sports, there's a good chance that it wasn't because he was a sporting champ that attracted her, but his common goals of wealth and travel and his interest in Politics.

Her Relationship with  Cassandra Goth

Cassandra's Interests

Animals    600
Crime    200
Culture    500
Entertainment    300
Environment    500
Fashion    0
Food    600
Health    1000
Money    0
School    600
Scifi    1000
Sports    200
Toys    900
Travel    300
Weather    500
Work    800
Paranormal    1000

1. She's not interested in Cassandra's choice of career either (lo toys). But that's ok Cassandra hates her choice of career (0 politics).
2. They are both fascinated by the paranormal, hate crime, are uninterested in fashion or entertainment.
3. They clash over money, technology and sci-fi. And especially Politics - Cassandra is an anarchist.
4. But they somewhat agree on most issues.
5. They disagree on Travel, and Health. Cassandra is a homebody (lo travel) and cares about her health.

Both Mary-Sue and Cassandra would be fascinated with Nina and Dina because of their part-alien heritage.

So what do you think? Do you think it rounds out their personalities somewhat? Does it change how you would think of them?

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